The Genesis Blueprint


With a rich history of providing unparalleled guidance in various consultancy domains, Genesis Consultancy Services has honed a unique process that stands at the core of our service — The Genesis Blueprint. Developed over years of experience in counseling and advising, this blueprint has been refined to offer clients clarity on their values, strengths, and aspirations, extending beyond traditional counseling boundaries. Much more than a standard career assessment, The Genesis Blueprint delves into motivations, personal interests, life experiences, family dynamics, cultural influences, and individual preferences. Acknowledging that career choices transcend the conventional 9 to 5 experience, our process identifies not only ideal occupations but also unveils overarching themes that can serve as a lifelong calling and purpose, embracing what we term as vocational discipleship. This transformative experience invites participants to unravel their identity as unique creations, fostering practices that sustain a purposeful life and leadership, often manifested in a flourishing professional journey. The flexibility of the blueprint allows for exploration and experimentation, guiding clients through a personalized journey of self-discovery and growth. In contrast to the perception of career discernment as a solitary endeavor, Genesis Consultancy Services places a strong emphasis on the thriving power of community. While certain aspects of the Genesis Blueprint process may be solitary, the beauty lies in the connection with others — be it a trusted mentor, family, friends, or members of one’s faith community. It is a meaningful, hopeful, and transformative journey that unveils a life path with enriched perspective, fostering a sense of community and purpose.

Our Services are Ideal for: